Whirlpool Gas Dryer Ignition Circuit Theory and Troubleshooting

This blog will describe step by step, how the standard Whirlpool gas dryer ignition circuit works, along with its common failures and associated diagnostic approaches. Disclaimer: THIS BLOG IS INTENDED FOR APPLIANCE TECHNICIANS AND IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALWAYS FOLLOW PROPER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WHEN WORKING WITH GAS AND ELECTRICITY. USE THE CONCEPTS DISCUSSED AT […]

Anatomy of a Voltage Source

What is a Voltage Source? Not all voltage sources are created equal. For example, a 12V car battery doesn’t provide enough voltage to electrocute, but plenty enough current to crank a 400A car starter, or to generate a large amount of heat in the case of a short circuit. This would be called a relatively […]

Ohm’s Law – The Most Important Thing you may Never Use

Why do I need Ohm’s Law? Why would Appliance or HVAC Technicians need to use Ohm’s Law in the field? I mean, are they really going to break out the calculator while diagnosing an electrical problem? Probably not. But Ohm’s Law is about a lot more than just finding voltage, current, or resistance. It rather […]

Can I use a 240v Appliance on a 208v System?

Introduction One question I’ve been asked many times in this business is whether a 240v electric appliance can be used on a 208v electrical system. Some apartment buildings use what’s known as 3-phase power, as opposed to the more commonly used single split-phase configuration that comprises the vast majority of residential electric power. This blog […]

Voltage Pen Magic – How to Make the Best of your NCV Tester

Introduction This blog will introduce the many ways that an NCV voltage pen can be used to diagnose electrical circuits. In fact, you might be surprised as to how versatile and useful the voltage pen can actually be. I’ll show you how this simple device can be used to detect Ghost Voltages, detect Compromised Voltage […]

What is a Voltage Divider?

What do floating neutrals, gas dryer valve circuits, Whirlpool electric dryer cool-down circuits, loose terminal block connections, shorted elements, and failing relay contacts all have in common? As the title of this articles suggests – the ever-present voltage divider. They’re everywhere and reside in multiples in every appliance you encounter. They’re not only present in […]

Appliance Repair Electrical Theory Learning Quiz

Introduction This quiz is designed to help Appliance technicians learn, test their knowledge, or just provide a review of their existing knowledge of electrical theory as it applies to appliance repair. Each question will have an associated answer – helping solidify your knowledge of electricity. So let’s test your knowledge. How Many Questions can you […]

Finding an Open or Loose Neutral with a Voltage Pen

The title says it all. A voltage pen can be much handier than some Technicians realize. Yes, they can be easily used to locate an open or loose (compromised) neutral in in a voltage source. THIS BLOG IS INTENDED FOR APPLIANCE TECHNICIANS ONLY. ALWAYS USE APPROPRIATE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WHEN WORKING WITH ELECTRICITY. About Neutral Neutral, […]

How does an SMPS Power Supply Work?

In this article, we’ll go into detail, how an SMPS or Switched Mode Power Supply works on a control board. We’ll talk about how the input filter works, initial rectification or conversion of AC into DC voltage, the switching circuit, high frequency transformer and galvanic isolation, feedback control circuit, and output rectification and filter. We’ll […]

Testing Diodes with a Multimeter

Introduction In this blog, we will describe what diodes are, how they function, and how to test them. We will identify two of the most common types of diodes encountered by Technicians, and describe how to test them in circuit and out of circuit. Additionally, we will discuss the most common ways that diodes fail […]