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The Tech Circuit Youtube channel to date, had nearly 100 videos on practical electrical theory for Electronics Technicians, Appliance Technicans, HVAC Techncians, Hobbyists, and anybody that has an interest or need to learn more about practical electrical theory, diagnostics, and associated concepts. In this blog, we’ll highlight some of the most popular videos that currently generate a total of 27K views per month. Let’s go.

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The Tech Circuit YouTube Channel

Video #10 – Whirlpool Electric Dryer Schematic Voltage Map Walk Through

How do you read an electric dryer schematic? In this video, voltages maps overlaid on a schematic for a common Whirlpool made electric dryer. What voltages to expect for different operating scenarios and failures. You will be walked through all relevant functional states of this dryer, as well as its common failures. Within these walkthroughs, you will be shown what voltage appear at what points in the sub-circuits using a color scheme where Black is Line 1 (L1), Blue is Neutral, and red is Line 2 (L2). Through this, you will be able to readily visualize what loads are or are not energized, and what readings you should get with your multimeter when doing live tests. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Whirlpool Electric Dryer Schematic Voltage Map Walk Through - The Tech Circuit

Video #84 – Open Neutral Testing in 120v Circuits

How do you test for an open Neutral in 120V circuits or outlets? In this video, I show you how how to test for an open or loose neutral in 120v outlets with a regular Multimeter, a LoZ meter, and a Voltage Pen. Yes, it is possible to test for such an open or loose Neutral condition by using just a standard multimeter and even a voltage pen, by using specific techniques. A LoZ meter is generally more informative when it comes to detecting electrical anomalies, and is also discussed in this video as it applies to perceived neutral issues with the mains service. Cllick HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Open Neutral Testing in 120v Circuits - The Tech Circuit

Video #68 – Testing Diodes with a Multimeter

How do you test diodes with a multimeter? It’s easy when you know how. This video instructs you as to how you can test both Schottky and standard silicon diodes with a multimeter, both out of circuit, and in-circuit. In-circuit testing sometimes involves a bit of inferring, but with experience, can amount to some accurate in-circuit assessments of diode conditions. Also, how do you identify leaky diodes? Learn it all in this video. We will use the use the Fluke 115 diode check function in this video. To date, this video is shaping up to be the most popular one on my channel, with upwards of 2000 views/month. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Testing Diodes with a Multimeter - The Tech Circuit

Video #49 – Samsung Dryer HC Error and Overheating- Diagnosis and Repair

What causes the HC error on a Samsung electric dryer? There are several causes of this. One of the most common, is that of a of the causes of the Samsung electric dryer is a shorted or grounded heating element. Yes, such a condition causes the element to often stay energized or partially energized, leading to a build-up of heat that is detected as an anomaly by the main board. This can ultimately lead to an HC error being thrown, and the dryer shutting off. This video shows how to diagnose and repair the problem. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Samsung Dryer HC Error and Overheating- Diagnosis and Repair - The Tech Circuit

Video #59 – How to Test Microwave Door Switches

Does your microwave give you an “open and close door” error? Does your microwave count down without cooking? Does the turntable turn when the door is opened? These are classic symptoms of failing microwave door switches. How an you tell if one of these switches is bad? Bad door microwave door switches often present themselves with actuators (small button that is pressed) that are sunken in, or don’t click when pressed. Others have heat stressed connectors. Many switches have both sunken buttons and stressed connectors. This video goes into detail regarding the most common ways that microwave door switches fail and how to test them. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

How to Test Microwave Door Switches - The Tech Circuit

Video #19 – Dryer Trips Breaker in Heat Mode? Step-by-Step Diagnosis & Repair!

Dryer Keeps Tripping the Breaker? There are different reasons for breakers to trip. One of them is due to a worn-out breaker that starts heating up under normal use. Yes, breakers can trip when the aren’t supposed to. In this case, the normal high current from the dryer caused a failing breaker to heat up and trip. Watch this EASY troubleshooting guide to find out why your Whirlpool-made Kenmore dryer trips the breaker in heat mode but not in air mode. In this video, I’ll show you step-by-step how to diagnose and fix the issue so you can get your dryer working again! Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Dryer Trips Breaker in Heat Mode? Step-by-Step Diagnosis & Repair - The Tech Circuit

Video #53 – Samsung Dryer HE Error Code and Step-by-Step Diagnostics

What is an HE error on an electric Samsung dryer? How do you trouble shoot the problem? In this video, we examine a case where a Samsung dryer has an HE error code that is thrown immediately upon starting a cycle. An HE error in a Samsung electric dryer means that it has overheated beyond acceptable limits. However, in this case, dryer was cold when the error occurs. How could that be? In this video, I show you how to unravel this mystery, and how to check the thermistor from the control board, with minimal disassembly. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Samsung Dryer HE Error Code and Step-by-Step Diagnostics - The Tech Circuit

Video #31 – Microwave light won’t turn off

This video shows why a whirlpool microwave light might not turn off. Many microwaves, often the Whirlpool-made ones (Whirlpool, Maytag, Amana, Kitchenaid), use what’s known as a TRIAC to switch the hood light on. It also uses the TRIAC to dim the light. Sometimes, when replacing the bulb, the bulb breaks and crosses the two leads. This can damage the TRIAC. To remedy this, I recommend that you replace the entire smart-board. First make sure you’re not using LED bulbs as they generally aren’t compatible with TRIAC circuits. Also, remember to always unplug the microwave before changing any light bulbs. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Microwave light won't turn off - The Tech Circuit

Video #64 – What is a Ghost Voltage? Fluke 116 LoZ Demonstration.

What is a Ghost Voltage? What is current leakage? What is a compromised voltage source? How LoZ meter like the Fluke 116 can be used to detect these voltage anomalies. A Ghost Voltage and Compromise Voltage Source (as a result of current leakage) are two different things. Ghost voltages are readings that appear that should not be there. Readings at Compromised Voltage Sources are voltages that should be there, but drop or disappear under load. This video dives into the hows and whys of these differences, as well as a discussion LoZ theory, and the internal resistance of voltage sources. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

What is a Ghost Voltage? Fluke 116 LoZ Demonstration - The Tech Circuit

#33 – Klein CL800 Multimeter Review, Theory of Operation, and Detailed Usage Tutorial

Klein CL800 Multimeter review, theory, and extended usage. This video goes into detail about how multimeters work, and how to leverage the Klein CL800 to your best advantage by using such features as LoZ, AC/DC contactless current measurement, diode check, continuity vs. resistance checks, frequency, capacitance, and more. I will also discuss practical LoZ and RMS theory, and put this meter to the test, both figuratively and literally, so you can decide if it is the meter for you. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Klein CL800 Multimeter Review, Theory of Operation, and Detailed Usage Tutorial - The Tech Circuit

Video #17 – Build an Electronics Workbench – Step by Step

Build an 8-foot electronics workbench for projects and repairing electronics and boards. This video goes into the step-by-step details of sourcing materials, sizing them, and constructing the bench. It also incorporates LED underlighting so that you can see what you’re working on. I built this for myself and use it every day! Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Build a Workbench - Step by Step - The Tech Circuit

Video #86 – 3 Ways to Test for an Open Neutral

This video show 3 different methods I use to test for an open or loose neutral in both 120v and 240v outlets- by using a regular Multimeter, a LoZ meter, and a Voltage Pen. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

3 Ways to Test for an Open Neutral - The Tech Circuit

Video #1 – Relay Driver Circuits – How they Work

My first video, and one of the most popular ones on my channel. Drawing from my academic and experiential background in electronics, I go into detail how a typical transistor based relay control circuit works on appliance and HVAC control boards. Included is specific information about the transistor driver circuitry, how it interfaces to a microcontroller, and common issues that occur with such circuitry and control boards. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Relay Driver Circuits - How they Work - The Tech Circuit

Video #81 – Testing Microwave Diodes with a Multimeter

How to correctly test microwave diodes for consistent and accurate readings of the diode’s forward voltage drop. This test method also accurately tests LEDs and Zener diodes. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Testing Microwave Diodes with a Multimeter - The Tech Circuit

Video #32 – Whirlpool Microwave Light Won’t Turn Off – Schematic Walkthrough

For Appliance Technicians, this video gives a schematic walk-through of the triac lighting circuit, and describes the theory behind the failure, which includes how the microcontroller uses an isolated opto-triac to bias the main triac, while being well-isolated from the line-voltage circuit. How and why does the main triac fail? This is all explained in this video. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Microwave light won't turn off - The Tech Circuit

Video #20 – Range Burner Light Stays on Even When the Burner is Off.

How to locate the faulty infinite switch on an electric range when the “burner on” light stays on even when the burner switch is turned off. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Range Burner Light Stays on Even When the Burner is Off - The Tech Circuit

Video #63 – Why use a LoZ Meter?

Using a LoZ meter, such as the Klein CL800, you can easily detect ghost voltages and compromised voltage sources. What are ghost voltages and compromised voltage sources? Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Why use a LoZ Meter? - The Tech Circuit

Video #67 – Fluke 116 Multimeter Review: Best HVAC Meter? Ghost Voltage & LoZ Explained

Thinking about buying the Fluke 116 HVAC Multimeter? Watch this in-depth review to see how it performs in real-world conditions, how to use it properly, and whether it’s the best multimeter for HVAC technicians. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Fluke 116 Multimeter Review: Best HVAC Meter? Ghost Voltage & LoZ Explained - The Tech Circuit

Video #90 – 240 Volt Outlet Testing

How to test 240v outlets using both a traditional multimeter, as well as a LoZ meter. How to determine if you have loose connections on the hot side or neutral side using specific techniques. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

240 Volt Outlet Testing - The Tech Circuit

Video #83 – Open Neutral Testing in 240v Circuits

How to test for an open or loose neutral in 240v circuits and outlets with a regular Multimeter, a LoZ meter, and a Voltage Pen. These methods work with 3 and 4 wire dryer and range outlets and circuits. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Open Neutral Testing in 240v Outlets - The Tech Circuit

Video #50 – GE Microwave Not Heating – Advanced Diagnostics using Current Draw

Microwave not heating. How to diagnose no-heat symptom on microwaves by current (amp) draw. Determine whether the microwave has a likely bad magnetron (high voltage side) or an issue with the relay or door switch (low voltage side). Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

GE Microwave Not Heating - Advanced Diagnostics using Current Draw - The Tech Circuit

Video #69 – Testing Zener Diodes with a Multimeter

How to test Zener diodes with a multimeter. What is the difference between a Zener diode and a standard diode? How to easily construct a test jig that tests Zener diodes up to 25V. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

Testing Zener Diodes with a Multimeter

Video #22 – GE Microwave Trips Breaker? Here’s Why & How to Fix It (Schematic Explained)

Is your **GE microwave tripping the breaker?** Learn how **worn-out latch boards** and **interlock switch misalignment** can destroy the safety monitor switch. I’ll walk you through the **schematic analysis** and how to diagnose this issue. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

GE Microwave Trips Breaker? Here's Why & How to Fix It - The Tech Circuit

Video #87 – How to use a LoZ meter

How a LoZ meter can be used to detect a ghost voltage, a compromised hot-line, and loose or floating neutrals in both 120v and 240v circuits. Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

How to use a LoZ meter - The Tech Circuit

Video #82 – How Does an Infinite Switch Work?

In-depth explanation and theory behind how the infinite switch works to regulate power to a cook-top burner. How do infinite switches fail? What are the symptoms? Click HERE (or the picture below) for the Video or HERE to Subscribe to The Tech Circuit Video Channel.

How Does an Infinite Switch Work? The Tech Circuit


To summarize, the Tech Circuit YouTube channel is full of must-have videos for the aspiring or experienced field Technicians, Electronics Technicians, Hobbyists, and anyone interested in applied electrical theory. Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel for notifications of new videos. We add at least 2 videos or more per month. Also, you may be interested in our Facebook group currently consisting of 1.5K members at

Happy Watching! Steve Morrison – Founder of The Tech Circuit.

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