Electrolytic Capacitor Testing and Replacement Cheat-sheet

How to Test Electrolytic Capacitors on Circuit Boards Important Note For informational purposes only. If you choose to utilize the concepts in this video, you do so at your own risk. I recommend that any circuit board repairs be supervised by a licensed professional engineer and be done under approved ISO and UL processes. What […]

Triac Theory, Applications, and Troubleshooting

It Starts with an SCR You can think of an SCR (silicon controlled rectifier) as a diode with a control line. Referring to the image below, the SCR works like a diode in that it will only allow current to flow in one direction – that is to say, current will not flow until the […]

What you Should Really Know about Inlet Valves and Icemakers

What only Happens in AC Circuits If you look below the surface of a commonly encountered circuit, you might be surprised about what you find. Most of you know that on many Whirlpool refrigerators, a classic Whirlpool icemaker valve solenoid is energized from the icemaker through a 72 ohm heater. So the solenoid and heater […]

Digital Microscope Images of Relay Contacts

Intro Here are some images of Whirlpool Dryer Motor Relay contacts in different stages of use and failure. These are all images of the original Omron relays found on the dryer control boards. The first image shows new/unused Omron relay contacts. Notice the shiny protective finish as well as the concavity and convexity of the […]

Join our Facebook Group – Electronics for Appliance and HVAC Technicians – The Tech Circuit

Join The Tech Circuit, where the focus is: “Electronics for Field Techs”. We’ll collaborate about electronic troubleshooting, theory, schematics, circuits, and every other electric or electronics topic as it applies to Appliances, HVAC, and other Field-Tech disciplines. I started this group to help field technicians better understand the underlying electrical/electronic reasons for the things they […]

How an Infinite Switch Works

Infinite Switch Detailed Operation On electric ranges, the common infinite switch (or simmerstat) uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the amount of power delivered to the cooktop burner ¹. Despite common misconceptions, PWM is not just reserved for DC voltage. It is simply a voltage (AC or DC) (also known as the carrier wave) […]

Semiconductor Testing Cheat Sheet™

How to Test Diodes, Transistors, Triacs, MOSFETs and IGBTs with a Multimeter This page shows how to use a multimeter to test the most common semiconductors (diodes, transistors, etc), along with their associated readings and values. Readings outside of these ranges indicate likely failed components. Diodes, transistors, and other types of semiconductors are based on […]

Thermistor Cheat Sheet – Common Appliance Thermistor Values Tables and Charts

Appliance Thermistor Lookup Tables Below are tables and graphs for thermistors commonly found in appliances. Feel free to bookmark this page for future reference! This web page will be revised as needed to add new and suggested thermistors. *CLICK HERE TO DONATE**CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THE KLEIN CL800 MULTIMETER FOR APPLIANCE TECHNICIANS* Standard Range Sensor […]

How Knowledge of Electronics Theory Gives Technicians a Great Advantage.

Should Appliance and HVAC Technicians Learn about Electricity? If you work on appliances and HVAC systems, you will ultimately encounter symptoms caused by electrical and electronics failures. This does not just happen occasionally, but on a regular basis. You don’t want to be the technician that gets stuck because they cannot address such issues due […]

Electrolytic Capacitor Failure and How it Affects Circuits

Electrolytic Capacitor Failure and How to Troubleshoot Failing aluminum electrolytic capacitors can have significantly adverse effects on electronic circuits. Most technicians have seen the tale-tell signs – bulging, chemical leaks, and even tops that have blown off. When they fail, the circuits that contain them no longer perform as designed – most often affecting power […]