Youtube Video – Open Neutral Testing in 120v Circuits

How do you test for an open Neutral in 120V circuits or outlets? In this video, I show you how how to test for an open or loose neutral in 120v outlets with a regular Multimeter, a LoZ meter, and a Voltage Pen. Yes, it is possible to test for such an open or loose […]

Youtube Video – Whirlpool Electric Dryer Schematic Voltage Map Walk Through

How do you read an electric dryer schematic? In this video, voltages maps overlaid on a schematic for a common Whirlpool made electric dryer. What voltages to expect for different operating scenarios and failures. You will be walked through all relevant functional states of this dryer, as well as its common failures. Within these walkthroughs, […]

Subscribe to the Tech Circuit YouTube Channel

The Tech Circuit Youtube channel to date, had nearly 100 videos on practical electrical theory for Electronics Technicians, Appliance Technicans, HVAC Techncians, Hobbyists, and any body that has an interest or need to learn more about practical electrical theory, diagnostics, and associated concepts. In this blog, we’ll highlight some of the most popular videos that currently foster thousands of views per month.

Appliance Repair Electrical Theory Learning Quiz

Introduction This quiz is designed to help Appliance technicians learn, test their knowledge, or just provide a review of their existing knowledge of electrical theory as it applies to appliance repair. Each question will have an associated answer – helping solidify your knowledge of electricity. So let’s test your knowledge. How Many Questions can you […]

120v Point to Point™ Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet

Instead of just “ohming” out components, get the “real” story by performing live brute-force point-to-point troubleshooting and force the failure to reveal itself. Please note that this guide is for qualified technicians familiar with the hazards of testing live mains circuits, and that employ adequate safety procedures. THIS BLOG IS INTENDED FOR APPLIANCE TECHNICIANS ONLY. […]

240v Point-to-Point Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet

If an electric range or dryer is not heating, the element may not even be getting voltage. What if the element “ohms” out? If the 240v load in an appliance is not energized, sometimes just “ohming” things out doesn’t tell you what you need to know. Please note that this guide is for qualified technicians […]

Indirect Component Testing using Common Electrical Points

This blog describes how to test components indirectly without unnecessary disassembly. You’ll save time by testing components remotely via easily accessible areas such as the console of an appliance using what we call “shared electrical points” or SEPs. In this blog, we will highlight two main advantages of using SEPs: first, the ability to remotely […]

The Diagnostic Fallacy of Referencing Neutral in 240v Circuits

Should you Reference Neutral when Testing 240v Circuits? How many times have you heard a technician state “I’m getting 120v on both sides of the element and it still doesn’t get hot”? Technicians can get confused when working on an appliance that has lost L2, for example. If L1 feeds through a dryer element and […]

Appliance Circuits and Diagnostics

Intro This article, for beginning to experienced appliance technicians, explains some of the more commonly found 120v and 240v Appliance circuit topologies and describes how to perform their respective point to point voltage check diagnostics for brute-force isolating of failed components. Please note that this article is not or DIY (do it yourselfers), as it […]

Basic Electricity and Diagnostics for Appliance Technicians

Electricity Course and Quiz for Appliance Technicians It is important to understand electricity basics when servicing appliances. After all, you will need to electrically troubleshoot them sooner than later. You don’t want to be the Technician that encounters a simple electrical problem, and be unable to complete your diagnosis. If you have even a basic […]