Line-Voltage Testing Cheat Sheet

This blog describes a quick way to determine if you have an incoming voltage problem that is causing appliance issues. By using the provided flowchart and a LowZ meter, you can accurately identify if you have a compromised voltage source related to L1, L2, or Neutral. I have seen many approaches to determining compromised voltage […]

Klein CL800 Clamp Multimeter Review, Theory, and Usage

This article explains the usage, describes the operational theory, and provides a through review of the Klein CL800 multimeter. You will learn how to use this meter, understand the theory behind the functions, and see how these functions compare to their claimed specifications. The theory behind each function, when noted, will be shown in bold […]

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The War of the Currents – DC will Replace AC

AC power in the home has been around since near the end of the 19th century. Almost all of world’s power distribution infrastructure is based on it. In fact, there was a time when practicality no other technology would work. It had superior transmission efficiency and was compatible with emerging industrial-age motor technology. However, based […]

What is Impedance?

What is Impedance What’s the difference between Impedance and Resistance? We hear the term “impedance” all the time. What is it though? Why not just use the term resistance? That’s because in AC circuits, resistance, which is the opposition to current flow, is called impedance. But unlike resistance, impedance can also include the effects of […]

Electricity – Talk the Talk

Articulating Electrical Behavior is Important As a technician, it is crucial to have a fundamental understanding of how electricity works. It’s also important to articulate that information in a functionally-accurate and understandable way. By effectively describing the electrical scenarios you come across, you can impress your customers, more readily seek assistance from and provide support […]

Refrigerator Inlet Valve Diodes – How they Work

What are Inlet Valve Diodes? For some inlet valve solenoids, diodes are used to logically control which valves are energized for a given function. A common configuration is where a safety (or main) valve is energized when either a refrigerator dispenser or icemaker solenoid is energized. In this way, one safety valve can be used […]

Resistance is not Futile

How Resistance Damages High-Current Connections Blocks, Connectors, and Cords We’ve all seen it. Burned up terminal blocks. Heat stressed quick-connects. Blackened and melted dryer or range cord plug prongs. What causes this though? Yeah, we all know its because of a loose connection. But why does it happen? It’s really Ohm’s law and the power […]

Video Explanation of how Relay Coil Resistance Affects Boards

For decades, I have considered coil resistance when replacing relays. This video, which was published in December of 2019, describes in detail why coil resistance is important to relay circuits. Right at about 4:10 in the video, I start this discussion. This blog and associated video is intended for experienced or supervised technicians. Always take […]